Allied Academies

Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism

Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism

Sports Nutrition focuses on the type and quantity of fluids and food taken by a sportsperson. A sportsperson’s life is spent on practice, and training sessions in preparation for a competition. The right amount of fats, lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates needs to be adequately distributed in the diet to enhance their intermediate metabolism and meet the increasing demands posed by the body to maintain perfect fitness levels. Thus, sports nutrition maintains an athlete’s performance cycle, sleep cycle, and daily dietary intake.

  • Nutrition, Exercise, and Health
  • Amino Acid Metabolism in Exercise
  • Anaerobic Exercise
  • Weight Loss Aids
  • Sports Nutritional Supplements
  • Temperature Regulation and Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
  • The Overweight Athlete
  • Eating Disorders in Athletes
  • Sports Specific Nutrition
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