Allied Academies

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Deciphering Recent Research in Nutrition and Fitness

About Conference

NutritionHealth 2021 welcomes back to all for the 19th International Conference on nutrition and Fitness covers industry professionals and academic communities worldwide. The conference covers a wide range of topics related to the advancements in the field of Nutrition, Diet, Obesity, Diabetes, and Fitness conducted in Edinburgh; Scotland in the month of September 29-30 (webinar).

Nutrition Health 2021 Congress is pleased to invite, scientists, registered dietitians, nutritionists, researchers, principal investigators, educators, healthcare professionals, practitioners, company representatives, to exchange ideas discuss the latest research trends in the field of Nutrition, Health, and fitness.

The NutritionHealth 2021 gathering invites Presidents, CEOs, Delegates, and officials from Industrial and Academic sectors to take part in the instinctive investigative sessions, B2B gatherings, and Board talks.


Importance and Scope:

Nutrition and Fitness conferences main focus is to bring together Researchers, leading academic Scientists, Principal Investigators, Professors, Clinical Nutritionists, Research fellows, Deans, Directors, Post-graduates in Nutrition and Fitness, Health Care Professionals, Nutrition and Fitness Professionals, Nutrition Entrepreneurs, Food Specialists, Nutrition and Fitness Academicians, Business Delegates and Students to exchange and share their experiences, novel ideas and research results in all aspects of  Nutrition and Fitness Management.

Nutrition Conferences, Nutrition Meetings, and Nutrition and Fitness Events are critical for ordinary people to stay safe, strong, and fit throughout their lives. Nutrition and Fitness conferences, events, and meetings are centered around learning about nutrition, diet, and food and its advancements; this is the greatest way to join the Nutritional and Fitness community. and Food Science Community.

Reasons to attend:

  • The Chance to meet experts and influencers in your Nutrition and Fitness field
  • Publishing research work
  • Live Interaction with like-minded people
  • Position yourself as a nutrition and fitness expert
  •  Global professional Networking with peers
  • ·New ideas to improvise research work
  • ·Workshops, Symposiums, and Exhibitions

Target Audience 

  • Clinical Nutritionists
  • Directors and professors from university and institute
  •  Research head from research centers
  • Registered Dieticians
  • ·Nutritional Advocates
  •  Obesity Advocates
  •   Policymakers
  •   Industry Renders
  •   Post-doctoral and Ph.D. research on Nutrition related topics
  •    Health-Care Professionals
  • · Nutrition and Sports scientist and research associates
  • · Postgraduate and relevant graduate students
  •    Business entrepreneurs
  •    Industrial expertise

Welcome Note

The 19th International Conference on Nutrition and Fitness is the latest event to join the ranks of postponement.

This nutrition conference has been providing quality nutritional information, and organizers did not wish to jeopardize the event's reputation, but they ultimately decided to postpone the event to October 29, 2021.

Due to the busy schedule of our speakers and the unavailability of most of our speakers on the the29&30 of September, it was decided to postpone the webinar to October 29, 2021.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Nutrition Health and Fitness 2021 Conferences Committee welcomes rising researchers to share their findings and exchange knowledge on 19th International Conference on Nutrition and Fitness from September 29-30 2021 (webinar).

Nutrition Health 2021 Congress is happy to invite Academicians, scientists, registered dietitians, nutritionists, researchers, principal investigators, educators, health care professionals, practitioners, company representatives to exchange ideas and the recent research trends in the field of Nutrition, Health and fitness.

Heartfelt appreciation to Organizing Committee Members Editorial Board Nutrition and health, outside specialists, company representatives and is obligated to different eminent personalities support the Nutrition Health 2021 conferences. A special thanks to the media partners and collaborators for this event.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date September 29-29, 2021
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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